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ظروف الربط

ظروف الربط 1

* ظروف الربط هي كلمات تربط الجمل المستقلة في جملة واحدة ، وتساعدك على اختصار الجمل .

* عندما تستخدم أحد ظروف الربط : ضع قبله فاصلة منقوطة (;) ، وبعده فاصلة (,) .

مثال :

We have many different sizes of this shirt; however, it comes in only one color.

* بعض الأمثلة على ظروف الربط :

)accordingly, also, besides, consequently, finally, however, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, otherwise, still, therefore, then, etc.(

أمثلة :

- The due date for the final paper has passed; therefore, I could not submit mine on time.

- There are many history books; however, none of them may be accurate.

- It rained hard; moreover, lightening flashed and thunder boomed.

- The baby fell asleep; then, the doorbell rang.

- The law does not permit drinking and driving anytime; otherwise, there would be many more accidents.

* ظروف الربط تشبه روابط النَسَق (and, but, or, so, for, yet, nor) ، ولكنها ليست بنفس قوة روابط النَسَق ، وتُكتَب بطريقة إملائية مختلفة أيضًا .

* تُستخدم ظروف الربط أيضًا في جملة رئيسية مفردة ، وفي هذه الحالة : تُستخدم الفاصلة (,) للفصل بين ظرف الربط والجملة .

أمثلة :

- I woke up very late this morning. Nevertheless, I wasn’t late to school.

- She didn’t take a bus to work today. Instead, she drove her car.

- Jack wants a toy car for his birthday. Meanwhile, Jill wants a dollhouse for her birthday.

- They returned home. Likewise, I went home.

(اختبار 27.1)

اختر ظرف الربط الصحيح لكل جملة مما يأتي :

1) Hurry up; , you will be late for the train.

2) I studied hard for the exam; , I failed.

3) Tom is a sportsman; , his brother Tom is athletic.

4) He didn’t go to college. , he started his own business.

5) He is not good-looking. , he is popular among girls.

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