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تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطريقة سهلة و فعالة من فيلم لوسي 1 Learn English Through MoviesLucy

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Life was given to us
a billion years ago
What have we done with it
Its easy as pie In and
out all done and dusted
And why dont
you do it yourself
The last thing
the guys expecting
is a total 10 turning
up to deliver the case
Itll blow his mind
Come on
Whats in it
Dont get paranoid
on me all right
You trust me
dont you
Richard I really
do like you
But I have to take care
of myself right now
I dont know Ive got to
concentrate on so many things
Hey hey
What are you doing
Im going home because
I have exams on Monday
I have to shower
and I have to study okay
You know what The other
day I was in this museum
And you know what I found out
The first ever woman
was named Lucy
Is that supposed to
make me feel better
Ill call you Okay
Okay okay okay
Ill be honest with you
I cant deliver
the case myself
I had a little falling-out
with the guy
Its nothing major but if
its you problem solved
You walk in there you
go up to the reception
you ask for Mr Jang
to come down
He comes down
he takes the case
you flash him
your prettiest smile
and bounce
Look You can even see
the reception from here
Come on
Whats in the case
I dont know its
just some paperwork
Yeah Lets see it then
Its locked And only Mr
Jang has the code
Im just
the delivery boy
Do you get paid
to do this
Yeah kind of
Like how much
Okay We are
negotiating now or
No no How much do you get paid
I want to know how much
A thousand dollars
You get paid
a thousand dollars
for delivering paperwork
I dont know It takes me 10
minutes and they pay me a grand
and the rest is
none of my business

أكثر طريقة فعالة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بإحترافية كاملة بدون كورسات و من المنزل بدون تكلفة الطريقة تعتمد فى الاساس على تحسين كلاً من السّماع و التحدث من خلال تكرار الكلمات والجمل فهى أشبه بمحادثة كاملة تحاكى تلك التى تحدث فى المجتمعات الناطقة بالانجليزية مع الاستمرارية ستلمس تحسناً ملحوظاً لتلك المهارتين يضاف اليهم مهارة القراءة و اتساع قاعدة مفرداتك لتتمكن من اجادة اللغة فى فترة قصيرة إن شاء الله بالمداومة
تابع المقطع التعليمى اليومى و شاهد اكثر من مائة مقطع تم رفعهم إلى الأن
لا تنسى
اشترك و تابع المقاطع
تابعنا على الفيسبوك على تويتر على انستجرام