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X اغلاق

الروابط الثانوية

الروابط الثانوية 1

ثالثًا : ( الروابط الثانوية )

1- Although : ومعناها : "بالرغم من أنَّ" .

أمثلة :

Although it was raining, I ran home.

She showed up, although she felt sick.

Although my mom told me to come home early, I stayed out late.

2- After : ومعناها : "بعد" .

أمثلة :

Please text me after you arrive at the shopping mall.

We were forced to stop watching TV after the electricity went out.

I always tell my daughter that she can have dessert after she eats her dinner.

3- Before : ومعناها : "قبل" .

أمثلة :

He had written a living will before he died.

Before he contacted me, I was going to call him.

I need to finish the dishes before my wife gets home.

4- Because : ومعناها : "لأنَّ" .

أمثلة :

Because he was smart and worked hard, he was able to make a lot of money.

They stopped building the house because it was pouring.

I love dogs because they are so cute.

5- How : ومعناها : "كيف" .

أمثلة :

I wonder how you did it.

He explained how he completed it in a few days.

Can you show me how you fixed the computer?

6- If : ومعناها : "لو" .

أمثلة :

If it is sunny tomorrow, we can go to the beach.

If I receive a promotion, you will be the first to know.

You can watch TV if you finish your homework.

7- Once : ومعناها : "بمجرد أن" .

أمثلة :

Once you see him, you will recognize him.

Once the light came on, we all shouted with joy.

Call me once you start having contractions.

8- Since : ومعناها "منذ" .

أمثلة :

I’ve been a singer since I was young.

Since he graduated, he has been doing nothing.

This building has been remodeled three times since I lived here.

9- So that : ومعناها : "لكي" .

أمثلة :

So that she could keep her position, she didn’t complain at all.

He finished his work as fast as possible so that he could leave early.

He worked harder for a raise so that he could buy a nice car.

10- Until : ومعناها : "حتى" .

أمثلة :

Don’t go anywhere until I come back.

She didn’t realize her talent in painting until her teacher mentioned it.

They won’t allow us to sit until everyone arrives.

11- Unless : ومعناها : "إذا لم" .

أمثلة :

You will not pass the exam unless you get a score of 80 or higher.

I will not tell you anything unless you tell me what you know first.

Unless you ask her, you will never know.

12- When : ومعناها : "عندما" .

أمثلة :

When I came in the room, everyone looked at me.

I woke up when my baby was crying.

I started looking for a gas station when my gas light went on.

13- While : ومعناها : "بينما" .

أمثلة :

Someone called you while you were at the meeting.

We met while we were working at the University.

My dog started barking while I was talking on the phone.

14- Where : ومعناها : "أين" أو "حيث: للمكان" .

أمثلة :

This is where I came from.

Please tell me where you are going.

I need to know where John hid the present.

15- Whether : ومعناها "إذا" أو "ما إذا" .

أمثلة :

We will have a picnic whether it rains or not.

It is time to decide whether we should take action.

You need to decide whether or not you are hungry.

(اختبار 26.1)

املأ الفراغات بأدوات الربط المناسبة :

1) Could you email me you receive the offer?

2) I want to buy it it is expensive or not.

3) Don’t do that I allow it.

4) you are confident with it, you should go for it.

5) I didn’t enroll this semester I could go backpacking in Europe.

6) My neighbor’s cat has been missing last Friday.

7) I own a house, I am required to pay property taxes.

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