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X اغلاق

أفعال الإجراء

أفعال الإجراء 1

* أفعال الإجراء تعبر عن الإجراء أو القيام بأداء فعلٍ ما ، وهي الأفعال الأكثر شيوعًا واستخدامًا في اللغة الإنجليزية .

* أفعال الإجراء تلحقها s في النهاية ، مع ضمير الغائب والفاعل المفرد .

أمثلة :

He eats bread.

She walks to the station.

It floats on the sea.

* الجمل المنفية : تحتاج (do not, does not or did not) .

أمثلة :

I do not eat bread.

He does not eat bread.

You did not walk to the station.

It does not float on the sea.

* الجمل الاستفهامية : تبدأ بـ (Do, Does or Did) .

أمثلة :

Do you eat bread?

Does he eat bread?

Does she walk to the station?

Did they finish it?

* يمكن اختصار (do not) إلى (don’t) ، و (does not) إلى (doesn’t) ، و (did not) إلى (didn’t) .

أمثلة :

I don't eat bread.

She doesn't walk to the station.

It doesn't float on the sea.

They didn't finish it.

* تذكر الاختلافات في أفعال الإجراء :

جملة استفهامية

جملة منفية

جملة مثبتة

Do I sing a song?

I do not (don't) sing a song.

I sing a song.

Do you sing a song?

You do not (don't) sing a song.

You sing a song.

Does he (she) sing a song?

He (she) does not (doesn't) sing a song.

He (she) sings a song.

Do we sing a song?

We do not (don't) sing a song.

We sing a song.

Did they sing a song?

They did not (didn't) sing a song.

They sang a song.


(اختبار 6.1)

قُم بتصحيح الأفعال الخاطئة في الجمل الآتية (من الممكن أن تكون بعض الجمل صحيحة) :

1) I runs a marathon.

2) You look sleepy.

3) She do not dance.

4) Does you leave today?

5) We don't stay here.

6) It come with rice.

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